Thursday, February 11, 2010

Yet another sample of how media & entertainment treats its customers as they were enemies.:

In gaming community, a (single) game has its natural life span aka. "play it through couple of times with different settings" and after that one is willing to recycle the game and purchase something new (=part of the money from the previous recycling).

Ok, some of the companies such as Electronic Arts ("EA" or ) are now targeting to make it next to impossible sell the game that you own with a "creative" concept that game DVD would include only short version of the game and "coupon" to add rest of the content which buyer of the used game would need to purchase by buying these coupons.

I understand that game industry as well as others are suffering and truly struggling, but maybe it would be time to streamline the internal operations and come from 1980`s to 2010+ instead of attacking customers with "revenge due obsolete operations".

More details from (and other places):

There are certain quite innovative concepts within software industry to address these kind of problems BUT the companies involved in just must change 1st!

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